The toman diaries

Bergen Commune goes Linux reports that Bergen Commune, housing the second largest city in Norway with the same name, is switching all its networks from Windows and UNIX to Novell Suse Linux citing millions of NOK in savings, better security, more options and higher stability.

The commune has two networks, the educational network with 36.000 users (32.000 students and 4000 teachers) and the administrative network with 15.000 users.

The administrative network switches from old HP servers running UNIX to new HP Integrity Itanium servers running Linux clusters with Oracle databases. The educational network will run Linux on IBM eServer BladeCenter servers.

They chose SuSE ahead of ie. RedHat because of Suse's leading technology such as support for 64bit architechture, their focus on KDE (they think KDE is "a generation ahead" of Gnome), and their European base which means they have better support for 'obscure' languages.

They underline that they are not "tossing out windows"; They will still use MS Office on most clients, and they are keeping some windows servers for backwards compatability.

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