The toman diaries

gmail = 1 gigabytes of mail

OK, is it an aprils fools joke? Seems not, cause google announced march 31(the most popular story on cnet right now btw) that they would set up a free webmail which offers users a whopping 1 GB of storage. Then they issued a pressrelease the 1.april, and its still there the second (today).

So we checked it out, we in #opera at, and found that they indeed had mail-servers in place; I tried sending a mail to a, and got a "Delivery failure" message, with a message ID of [dont@remember]

But sadly, only a selected number of people, 1000 of them, would be joining betatesting. I guess that means people they imagine are very popular with mail, (so they can really test it) and I'm not :-(

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