Was the MyDoom creator an American?
torsdag, februar 05, 2004
The Norwegian e-mail provider runbox has been touched by the FBI in relation to the MyDoom worm(s).
When the Bugbear virus broke, one of their customers was in the spotlight, and the individual has been paid close attention to for the past year.although the name he is using on runbox has now changed slightly. A person with a name suspiciously alike that is using a runbox account now.
Yeah, yeah, we all hear MyDoom is russian, and how easy isn't that to believe in these times? Unsecured Russian bio-weapons, Afghan terrorists (Afghanistan borders with russian republics) and links between Saddam and freedom-fighters in Chechnya (Hard to figure the english spelling of that country).
It's just to easy to believe. Although the two are otherwise unrelated, it's tempting to remind you that Al-Jazeera was hacked into a patriot website by an american. The general picture of Russians (or eastern europeans in general) seems to be that they're a bunch of (ex-)communist thugs. It's too easy to label something on the internet as russian just because the lead stops there.
It kinda reminds me of "gang-crime" in Oslo nowadays. The media is all over a recent killing, citing immigrant crime, and begun discussing this 'immigrant crime', even though the police time and time again tell them some of the worst crime is performed by native Norwegians, most notably by bikers of Hells Angels and the like. But if it isn't Hells Angels, it has to be immigrants right? No Norwegians who arn't Linux users would ever do something like that, would they?
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