Koolness in the taskbar
lørdag, november 08, 2003
Ever since I started using the internet, I've used various toolbars for searching the internet. Among them include metaeureka's toolbar, and winbar.
Both are kinda overkill if you want just websearch. Metaeureka's solution is indeed very handy, it includes many tools, like clipboard history, sms, password keeper, ping, traceroute etc-etc. "38 useful tools in one program".
Winbar is more in the system-monitoring avenue, giving you processor/memory-usage, monitor-resolution changing and the like.
I like them both, but now there is a better one for just web-search. You guessed it: Google Deskbar
It's the google toolbar in your windows taskbar, albeit with a few extras.. I really thought it would be all google, but you can actually define your own engines too, and that even easier than in Opera... Which, btw, frontiered the pop-up window which google is hereby giving you the results in. Opera made the results purely text, while this toolbar gives you the whole google-site in a resizable window. No browser needed, although it of course uses the IE rendering engine.
Jawol. I'll have to try it out. Maybe, just maybe, I'll start there instead of in Opera..
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