The toman diaries banned, communism prevailis

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society has released an interesting study of how the illegal service of Verisign was blocked by ISP's as they discovered it's negative effects.

Verisign has by now shut it down itself, although "just temporarily".
When Versisign are asked to comment on it, and how ICANN, the Internet authority so to speak, asked it to roll back, they make it sound as if they've been "hit by communism". They actually compare grass-roots upheaval to communism. Common goals and interests are communism.

It's the all-familiar reaction (from certain people in a post-coldwar-and-9/11 country in perticular) when they commit an overzealous action. "Hey, they are worse than us, therefore we can do anything we want!"

You make me sick.

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