Israel plans more settlement building
lørdag, oktober 04, 2003
More buildings are planned for the Jewish (make that Israeli) settlements in the West bank. This is a direct violation of the Roadmap to Peace, which was reluctantly accepted by Israel. The US says it has concerns about this.What's the point of a roadmap if one party to it is allowed to breach it without more reaction than we are concerned? (Granted, concern here means concider US loan garuatees to Israel, but that's like telling Miloshevic not to kill that many.)
A true democracy like the US, no matter how "special" their relations are with key Israeli politicians, can't say it comdemns one part (dead suicidal Palestinians), while it is just concerned about the other part, a democratic state.
Or maybe this is the exact reason why they don't do more than that? The US is renown for it's totalitarian democracy, which is willing to secrifice it's own citicens, let alone any other citicen of another coutry, as long as democracy prevails. - In the words of Pervez Musharraf:democracy does not have a set formula.
It simply doesn't make sense, and it is time the papers, and not least the TV-stations start digging in the graves.
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