Israel attacks in Syria
søndag, oktober 05, 2003
Israel has attacked what it calls a "terrorist" training camp in Syria, as a retaliation to the recent blasting of civilians in the town of Haifa.They continue to blame Arafat, the elected Palestinian leader for all attacks on Israeli civilians, even though both he and every official around him denounce such attacks.
Further attacks in Syria may come, Israel said, claiming self-defence.
Israel and Palestine have two problems, in this order: Occupation of Palestinian land by Israel; and frustrated, occupied and suicidal palestinian people. Now where did the circle start spinning? When is resistance to occupation terrorism?
I agree that targeting Israeli civilians is bad. Very bad.
It is worse than Israeli targeting of groups that resist Israels existence by killing innocent people.
But while the loop of violence keeps churning, we all seem to forget the reason behind it, namely 35 years of occupation. Israeli officials fail to (or pretend not to) realize that funding settlements is a provocation.
It amazes me that the international community (read the UN) allows itself to be held hostage by one of it's founding member nations, the US.
If the US had any integrity, it would promptly authorize UN forces to enter Israel and Palestine, and it would stop all funding of war.
- The total funding of Israel by the US from 1947 - 1997 was $84,854,827,200.
How can anyone watch and even pay a country to occupy another one?
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