BlogThis! from Opera's Hotlist
fredag, oktober 03, 2003
Jup, blogthis! is very well suited for the Opera hotlist.Only problem is, after posting somthing, you're expected to close the window (which isn't a window, it's a panel :), eg, you're taken to a page which only has the options Edit posts, View blog and Close window.That makes it kinda useless.
But wait! Proxomitron?! I loove proxo, and made a filter which will meta refresh that useless message back to the posting interface within 30 seconds.
The filter goes as such:Name = "Blogthis panel Go Back!" Active = TRUE URL = "" Limit = 256 Match = "<head>" Replace = "<head>" "<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30;url=">"Blogger or google, do you hear me?!
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