The toman diaries

BlogThis! from Opera's Hotlist

Jup, blogthis! is very well suited for the Opera hotlist.
Only problem is, after posting somthing, you're expected to close the window (which isn't a window, it's a panel :), eg, you're taken to a page which only has the options Edit posts, View blog and Close window.That makes it kinda useless.

But wait! Proxomitron?! I loove proxo, and made a filter which will meta refresh that useless message back to the posting interface within 30 seconds.

The filter goes as such:
Name = "Blogthis panel Go Back!"
Active = TRUE
URL = ""
Limit = 256
Match = "<head>"
Replace = "<head>"
          "<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30;url=">"
Blogger or google, do you hear me?!

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