Sanity in a universe of ProCon[TM] People
fredag, mai 20, 2005
When you drive around the internet in your salon, be it Firefox, Opera, Safari, Konqueror or even IE, you cant help but come across some discusison sites. Many of these sites discuss issues worth discussing, like how to best fit a chain on a bycycle, or what the shortest route to heaven REALLY is. You cant help but getting struck by the enourmous ammount of content in many discussions out there..
Other times, when you least expect it, because you are looking for some information on what the new Firefox or Opera browser contains of features and bug fixes, you get struck by the sheer ammount of noise that is out there.
So why is this? Why are there so many discussions out there, regarding web-browsers for example, that (if you read them out loud..I wouldn't) sound like two drunk people after a bad party where one of them is high on cocaine? Why do people insist on throwing ill-informed opinion out on everybodys desktops? Why do people use several hours of their days searching through forums to find someone to throw their mouth at? Some people even seem to use several hours of their days not doing this, they just READ all this crap. WHY??
They want to be part of something, I can hear my consciousness telling me. They want to feel like they belong somewhere. Fine. But why all this anger? Why do you use so much of the time you are given on just.. anger... bullshit...?
Just so I could tell you to read this article about KHTML and Safari? I certainly hope that is the truth. If not, go on, torture the next person you disagree with.